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Boost Your Drying Routine

Hand holds a blue wool dryer ball in front of dryer with towels inside

Place 3 dryer balls into the dryer with freshly washed clothes.

Run your dryer as normal. The dryer balls will increase air circulation to reduce dry time.

Woman holds blue collared shirt in front of dryer

Enjoy clean laundry with fewer wrinkles and less drying time.

Plastic-Free and Sustainably Sourced

At Blueland, we set high standards for health and safety. We strive to make our products optimal for effectiveness as well as human and environmental health. For our dryer balls, we've taken special care to make sure our New Zealand wool is sourced from suppliers who take care to treat sheep well. They do not live transport sheep, they shear sheep in early summer, and they do not engage in harmful wool harvesting practices like mulesing.

Dryer Ball Starter Set: 3 blue wool dryer balls in laundry basket
  • No Glues

  • No Petroleum

  • No Chemical Residue

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