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Plastic-Free Living

The College Guide: 7 Must-Try Tips for Living More Sustainably

July 31, 2024

College can be hectic, but living sustainably on campus is easier than you think.

For those of us diving into the chaos of classes and social lives, finding time for anything extra seems impossible. It can feel daunting and difficult to keep up with being eco-friendly, but slipping sustainable practices into your daily routine isn't as tough as it sounds. It's all about progress over perfection. Here are 8 tips to try:

1. Reusable Containers and Water Bottles

If you don’t have one already, there’s no better time to invest in a big reusable water bottle. These days, most campuses are equipped with bottle refill stations so you can easily fill up your water bottle while helping divert thousands of plastic bottles in the course of your college career. And if you’re feeling ready for the next step, consider reusable alternatives to sandwich bags—like silicone bags or glass storage containers (which are great for taking food from the dining hall to your next class).

2. Embrace Second-Hand Shopping for Clothes and Textbooks

Odds are, you’re already budgeting more than ever before. So, instead of spending money on brand-new clothes and textbooks, check out thrift stores or online sites for pre-loved items. By doing this, you're not only cutting down on the need for new products made from new (often harmful) materials, you’re saving yourself resources while you’re at it. Plus, by supporting local businesses that sell these second-hand goods, you're playing a part in boosting sustainability within your own community.

3. Try Eco-Friendly Cleaning Supplies

Whether you’re in a dorm or living off campus, you’re going to need to clean eventually. Unfortunately, a lot of common cleaning products are formulated with chemicals that are harsh on the environment (and on your health,). For positive but simple change, think about using green cleaning supplies instead. Products with certified clean ingredients break down naturally and are better for you and the planet. Take it a step further by swapping throwaway paper towels or sponges for ones you can reuse, like the Blueland Cloud Cloth or the Blueland Scrub Sponges.

4. Reconsider Your Mode of Transportation

Transportation plays a huge role in air pollution and carbon emissions, but alternative options like trains, buses, biking, or even walking are typically more accessible in college towns. Opting for these options can be better on the environment and will often save you more money than paying for gas or relying on standard rideshare apps.

5. Save Energy with LED Lights and Smart Power Strips

Switching to energy-efficient LED lights in your dorm or apartment is another easy step towards living more sustainably. Unlike old-school incandescent bulbs, LEDs don't use up as much power and last way longer—which means you can cut down your energy usage and your waste! Smart power strips for your gadgets and appliances are another eco-friendly addition because they can tell when something's plugged in but isn’t being used and actively help you save energy.

6. Shop Local and Sustainable Food Options

What we choose to eat has an incredible impact on the environment, but the options on a college campus tend to be limited. You’re likely on a dining plan, but when you have the opportunity to shop, go local. Look for a farmer’s market nearby—some schools may even have them on campus from time to time! Stocking up on locally sourced, sustainably grown is an amazing habit to adopt, and it adds a bit of fun to your regularly scheduled weekly activities. Bonus: find out if your school hosts a composting program for any leftovers or food scraps!

7. Engage with Environmental Clubs and Events on Campus

It’s college—there’s bound to be an environmentalist club. Seek them out, explore their programming, and get involved! In addition to meeting new people, you’ll find ways to make an impact you may not have previously considered. From local cleanups to bill advocacy, your involvement can contribute to waves of greater change.


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