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Wake Up, World

Do our individual actions actually matter?

Sometimes we need a little reminder that the smallest things can have the biggest impact

We wrote a book!

My sustainability journey (and Blueland) started with my kids and I wanted to return the favor to them–and all children–in the hopes to inspire their own.

I've seen firsthand how passionate kids can become about the planet at a young age, and it's our hope that this book can be the spark for children across the country.

Sarah Paiji Yoo

Co-Founder + CEO

Wake Up, World

Written to inspire the next generation to protect the planet, Wake Up, World follows a young boy on his sustainability journey and the steps he takes to start caring for the planet. This book teaches us that if there’s one thing everyone can learn (kids and parents alike) – it’s that there’s no such thing as too small.

All proceeds of this book go to donating it to teachers and classrooms across the country in hopes of sparking eco conversations among kids in classrooms everywhere.

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We made a digital version, too!

Prioritizing sustainability and accessibility, we made a free, digital version of Wake Up, World for everyone to enjoy. Enter your email for a digital download of the story:

Spread the word, change the world

The most important thing we can make is a difference

We believe it should be easy to make choices that put people and planet first

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