5 Planet-Friendly Innovations We Love

Written by Natalie Henderson, Marketing at Blueland

Published: December 20, 2021

Updated: January 14, 2025

Seedlings in biodegradable containers on a wooden plankSeedlings in biodegradable containers on a wooden plank

This season, sharing is caring. So we want to share some of our favorite innovations and brands that are doing good for the planet. Here’s our list of 5 brands and innovations that are helping the planet

1. Lomi from Pela Earth

Home composting is getting a makeover with the Lomi from Pela Earth. According to Pela, over 50% of waste you’re throwing away can actually be composted. But at home composting can be messy, time consuming and smelly – not anymore. With Lomi, you can compost right from your kitchen counter in just a few hours, with no worms, and no backyard compost pile. Just fill up your Lomi with food scraps and other compostable items, turn it on and wait a few hours and your waste will transform into soil that you can use in your plants at home or throw away. Get on the list to start cleaning up your waste with Lomi.

2. The Farmstand from Lettuce Grow

Looking for a way to make your diet more sustainable? Check out the Farmstand from Lettuce Grow for your chance to grow your own produce like a sustainable queen. The Farmstand makes it easy to grow lettuces and veggies inside or outside. All it takes is giving your Farmstand a little TLC once a week and you’ll start to have an at home, fresh salad bar at your fingertips.

3. Natural Branding from Nature and More

Natural branding is changing the produce sticker game by getting rid of the plastic produce stickers that can’t be recycled or composted. Natural branding brings technology to the produce aisle with a laser that engraves produce without any plastic waste. Since they launched they’ve helped save 29 million packaging units!

4. Arcadia

Interested in saving energy for your home and your business? Now it’s easy with Arcadia. Arcadia makes it easy to match you to a community renewable energy project, like wind or solar energy. You keep your current energy provider, but your bill is matched with a renewable project, making it easy for you to access renewable energy. Arcadia makes it easy to reduce your energy footprint.

5. DeliverZero

DeliverZero is for New Yorkers only for now, but one of our favorites! As winter comes and we start doing more takeout, DeliverZero is here to help us reduce waste. DeliverZero partners with restaurants and takeout delivery platforms like Caviar to offer you takeout and delivery options in reusable containers, so you can order in your favorites without the single-use packaging. Give it a try!

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